Happiness is Here

Seeking happiness Now in the present moment is the ultimate gift. Our ego will lie and make us think we need a certain situation to be happy. The truth is we can choose joy in any moment we want. No person, place or thing has power over our thoughts and emotions. So I send everyone blissful thoughts. Sincerely, Mary 

Staying peaceful 

Being in the moment brings all creative power. When your mind is not thinking of the future and not reliving the past, there is a sence of quiet bliss.Meditation can achieve this state or silent peace of mind that allows intuitive ideas to flourish. All successfull happy people mediatate. Staying in this powerful NOW protects us from bad decisions or rushed problems. It is the pause in between where all the JOY of life can be found. Have a great day.

May your summer be fun

Summer is about playing with your kids, being outside having picnics, having BBQs, really enjoying the outdoors. Instead of turning on the TV, Run outside and kick around the soccer ball in the afternoons before dinner. RIDING Bicycles around the local neighborhood will release endorphins for you and your children. Teaching our kids the fun way to live is the best way to help them start healthy fun life habits. 

