Being a multipotentialite in NOLA

Hi there,

Recently Emilie Wapnik gave a TED talk about being a mutlipotentialite. I deeply loved the video and realized I certainly have 95% of the traits of a multipotentialite. I am from New Orleans, which is a gumbo of diverse cultures and history. Everyone here is colorful and kind and have many interests, so it wasn’t until my late 30’s when i noticed I never followed the society norms. When my friends go to Jazz Fest or Mardi Gras, I can take it or leave it. I usually get invited to concerts and events, so I love crowds and being a social butterfly, but I don’t need attention to feel self love. I was in mortgage industry out of college and enjoyed helping people get financing for homes. I thought that was my calling to help people buy their dream homes and was satisfied for about 7years. When the crash happened in 2008 I saw a blessing to change careers and reinvent myself. Whenever a huge change comes in my life I always say, Thank God, now I can learn something new. Emilie spoke about getting bored quickly once a talent is mastered, which I can relate too.

If you learn quickly and feel like you enjoy changing careers, more than once and have many creative pursuits, than you may also be ONE OF US 🙂

Please email me any thoughts or questions and google TED talk Emilie Wapnik or multipotentialite. Thanks and Happy Mardi Gras week–If your in NOLA,

Sincerely, Mary