Being a multipotentialite in NOLA

Hi there,

Recently Emilie Wapnik gave a TED talk about being a mutlipotentialite. I deeply loved the video and realized I certainly have 95% of the traits of a multipotentialite. I am from New Orleans, which is a gumbo of diverse cultures and history. Everyone here is colorful and kind and have many interests, so it wasn’t until my late 30’s when i noticed I never followed the society norms. When my friends go to Jazz Fest or Mardi Gras, I can take it or leave it. I usually get invited to concerts and events, so I love crowds and being a social butterfly, but I don’t need attention to feel self love. I was in mortgage industry out of college and enjoyed helping people get financing for homes. I thought that was my calling to help people buy their dream homes and was satisfied for about 7years. When the crash happened in 2008 I saw a blessing to change careers and reinvent myself. Whenever a huge change comes in my life I always say, Thank God, now I can learn something new. Emilie spoke about getting bored quickly once a talent is mastered, which I can relate too.

If you learn quickly and feel like you enjoy changing careers, more than once and have many creative pursuits, than you may also be ONE OF US 🙂

Please email me any thoughts or questions and google TED talk Emilie Wapnik or multipotentialite. Thanks and Happy Mardi Gras week–If your in NOLA,

Sincerely, Mary

Take time to play

Being a good parent is not just about feeding them and bathing them. It is important to take the time to play with your kids. Have fun with them, if you show them life is fun and full of joy then they will grow up to think the world is a fun and loving place. Enjoy this time it will bring you joy as well.

Playing keeps you young

Playing with your babies, toddlers, children or teens is super fun for them and keeps you young. Too much television stunts imagination and creativity. It is much more fun to play board games, card games, ping pong or some video games with your kids.

Enjoy life with them, they will grow fast and leave the nest before you know it. Having quality time is very important for you and them. Loving yourself and them will give your kids a healthy self esteem and confidence that will follow them throughtout their lives.

Have a great week. Mary


This book is awesome!

Welcome to The Baby Years
Are you pregnant?
Are you deciding to breastfeed or formula feed your infant?
If your baby cries for no reason, then this is the book to help.
This loving infant guide book can help any parent or grandparent of any baby, twins or multiples under age 2.
I hope you enjoy it.